
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Be on time ten to nine! Happy 21st Birthday to Forestdale!


We like to celebrate good attendance at Forestdale, We expect all children to have at least 96% attendance. 


Every week we celebrate attendance over 96% by awarding a class star and certificate. Each class have the opportunity to work together to receive a number of rewards. 


5 stars = extra play 

10 stars = class cinema afternoon 

15 stars = extra play 

20 stars = non uniform day 

25 stars = choice a reward

Attendance is very important at Forestdale and all children are expected to have more than 96% attendance. 


We work with Birmingham Local Authority to improve attendance and follow the FAST-track to Attendance guidance. 


If attendance becomes a concern we will be following the FAST-track attendance procedure

At Forestdale this will involve ....

* Seeking the voice of the child

* Offering Early Help to try and improve attendance 

* Offering informal meetings and phone calls with Mrs Halpin or Mrs Hill.

* Sending letters to offer help if meetings and phone calls have not been answered. 

* Making referrals to the school nurse with consent from parents if absence is due to excessive illness. 

* Making referrals to other relevant agencies to support emotional concerns with consent from parents. 

* Holding School Attendance Review Meeting and setting up a Parent/ School Plan.


The threshold for legal action in cases of unauthorised absence has now been reduced to 10 sessions. So if attendance does not improve after our intervention we can progress to the next stage of FAST -track which may result in the Local Authority fining parents. 








Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark