Forestdale Primary School
Believe - Aspire - Excel
By the time children leave Forestdale we aim for them to be reflective about their own beliefs – whether these are religious or not; respect other people’s faiths and beliefs (one of the British Values); use their creativity and imagination to explore their world and reflect on all these learning experiences.
What is good about taking part?
Children discussed what belonging to a group meant and the different types of groups they were part of. They then looked at Christian worship and discussed the use of prayer and songs.
Having discussed the reasons for these, children were then asked to write their own community songs/poems/prayers.
Together we can share.
Together we are brave.
We can communicate with each other.
Join everyone when they sing and pray.
This is our community to share.
Together we are brave and strong.
Oh we are the best of friends.
Got this together.
Everyone must be friends.
This is our planet to share.
Help friends together.
Everyone's got this.
Rule the world together.
Together we can make it.
Together we can do it.
Let's work it out!
What can we share?
Mosque Visit
How do you feel?
What makes me special?
The Good Samaritan
Rama and Sita
Children watched the story of Rama and Sita and discussed how the characters' emotions changed through the story. They then plotted it on a graph!
Diwali Celebrations
Awards we have received so far.