
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Be on time ten to nine! Happy 21st Birthday to Forestdale!



This week we are finishing the last of the alphabet sounds!

Last week we covered

j  v  y

This week we are looking at

w  x  z  zz  qu

Use the flashcards you have made to recall and recognise the sounds we have already learnt.

If you know all of phase 2 confidently you don’t need to practise this as much as you would with the new sounds.

New sounds should be practised daily!


Mr Early Years Phonics: Use these videos to catch up on last week’s learning! Mr Adderley teaches phonics with his son – you can use these videos to support your teaching or let Mr A do it for you! J


Introduction to Phase 3 - https://video.link/w/zEhFb

Jj - https://video.link/w/LEhFb

Vv – (not uploaded yet – keep an eye on his YouTube page!)

Yy – (not uploaded yet – keep an eye on his YouTube page!)



Please watch the videos below to explore the new sounds this week!


English Hub Phonics:

Ww - https://video.link/w/zChFb

Reading - https://video.link/w/JChFb

Xx - https://video.link/w/QChFb

Reading - https://video.link/w/dDhFb

Zz  - https://video.link/w/LDhFb

Reading - https://video.link/w/ODhFb

zz - https://video.link/w/ZDhFb

Reading - https://video.link/w/gEhFb

qu - https://video.link/w/tDhFb

Reading - https://video.link/w/4DhFb


Use phonics play to support your learning:


Log in: jan21 Password: home

You need to select phase 3 games and the sound that you are learning that day!



Whilst you are at home you can have a go at learning to read, recognise and spell our tricky words for phonics!

They are:









Use the format below to help you learn how to spell them!

Also, log in to Tapestry daily for challenges and phonics activities!


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark