
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....



Last week we started digraphs!

oo     oo     or     ar

                                  (long)           (short)       

This week we are moving onto digraphs:

ur     ow     oi     ear


Use the flashcards you have made to recall and recognise the sounds we have already learnt and to support you in learning to recognise the new ones.

I will posting Phase 2 and 3 videos of flashcard practise soon on this page and Tapestry.

If your child knows all of phase 2 confidently you don’t need to practise this as much as you would with the new sounds.

New sounds should be practised daily!

(anything you have taught from home so far – phase 3 sounds)


Use these videos to support your learning from last week if you need some more help to remember the new phonemes.


Twinkl Early Learn Phonics:

 oo long: https://video.link/w/t3vNb

oo short: https://video.link/w/53vNb

ar: https://video.link/w/b3vNb

or: https://video.link/w/V2vNb



Please watch the videos below to explore the new sounds this week!

ur   ow   oi   ear

English Hub Phonics:

ur: https://video.link/w/62vNb

ow: https://video.link/w/E2vNb

oi: https://video.link/w/96rOb

ear: https://video.link/w/N6rOb



Use phonics play to support your learning:


Log in: jan21 Password: home

You need to select phase 3 games and the sound that you are learning that day!

Some phase 3 games might have “sets” when choosing the sounds to practise, if so pick set 6-7 as these will cover what your child has already learnt! Anything else will require a lot of support from you to play.


Also, log in to Tapestry daily for challenges and phonics activities!



Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark