
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....


Foundation Stage Ethos


 In the foundation Stage we encourage children to make choices, problem solve and think critically.  Through continuous provision we encourage children to become independent learners and nurture their interests through enhancements within the environment.  Staff observe and record children’s achievements, and work together to ensure next steps are taken. Each child’s progress is recorded in their Learning Journey which is shared with both parents, children and the Senior Leadership team.


Welcome to Nursery!

Nursery Sessions run from Monday to Wednesday 8.40am-3.10pm



This half term…

Our topics:


On the Farm!

We will be exploring all the animals that live on the farm, looking at their babies and the life cycle of a chicken.  We will also be looking at important jobs that the farmer does on the farm.


Kings and Queens?

We will be reading 'The Queens Hat' and looking at the royal family, where they live and what they do.  We will be designing crowns and using role play to enhance our knowledge and understanding.  



Photos of what we have been up to this half term...


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark