
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....

Year 1

 Welcome to Year 1!


Meet the staff

Mrs Anyanegbu - Class Teacher

Class TA - Mrs Green and Miss Swain 


Miss Lewis and Miss Thomas will also be working with Year 1

About Year 1 ....


Year One is the beginning of the children's journey into Key Stage One and  is a very important year.   The children will be doing lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum which encourages them to explore and discover things for themselves. 

We look forward to sharing new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.


Please click on the following subjects to see what will be covering for this half term blush


If you have any questions or queries about your child/ren please feel free to catch myself or Mrs Green/ Miss Swain at the end of the day. 


What will the children need in school?


  • Each child will need to bring a labelled water bottle to school every day. 
  • Please ensure your child has their coat in school as we will still be going outside even if it rains. 
  • Children can bring tuck money to buy toast or raisins (during break time) in Year 1 but they’re responsible for their own money so please send their money in a labelled  purse or wallet ready for them to put it into their money pot. Toast = 25p, raisin box = 30p.


  • Mrs Bhamber will be covering the class every Monday PM. 
  • PE is on a Tuesday and  Friday  -  please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on these days. For safety reasons,  all jewellery must be removed before PE lessons. If your child cannot remove their earrings, then earrings must be covered. If your child  can independently cover their earrings with tape then they  can leave their own tape in their tray. Each child is expected to have a PE kit in line with the school uniform policy.

HT1 timetable 2023-2024

Supporting Learning at Home


Reading - Just a few minutes reading with your child each day makes a huge difference. Book bags will be changed every Friday and your child is expected to read 4 x 15 mins per week. Your child will receive two practice reading books which are matched to their reading level. They will be able to read these books to yourselves independently and without any significant help.  They will also receive two sharing books which your child will pick. Your child will not be able to read these. They are to promote reading for pleasure and develop a love of reading. We expect you to read the sharing books to your child asking questions about the story at the end. Please ensure you comment and sign their reading record books. smiley


Spellings - Spellings will go out on a Friday ready for a test on the following Friday. Your child can practise their spellings on the interactive programme Spelling Shed (letter to follow). If you do not have access to the internet, a paper copy will also be sent out. Children are expected to be achieving a minimum of 7/10 each week.


Maths – Each Friday your child will be set some work to consolidate what they have been learning that week. The paper copies are to be returned by the following Friday for the teacher to mark and check. 


Curriculum - homework will be given out at the beginning of the half term and children can return a piece when they have completed it. You can choose to complete this work at your own pace as long as a minimum of 3 pieces are completed. 

Our end of day reading will be a range of both fiction/non fiction books. At the beginning of each day, the children will vote for which book they would like to be read at the end of the day. 


We will be reading books from the Reader Teacher Year 1 List and Top 100 Recommended reads for Year 1 through Books for Topics. 


Here are some of the texts that we will be reading this half term include The Runaway Pea, Handa's Surprise, Mister Magnolia and Sophia Sparks.

Latest news ...        

Look what we have been up to so far this year...

(update coming soon)

We would love to hear any comments you may have on the photos of activities we share with you.


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark