
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Children are back in school on Tuesday 3rd September....

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! 


Please read ahead to see what your children will be learning in this half term:


  • Place Value of Grammar and Punctuation
  • Non-Chronological report on North and South Ameria
  • Recount 



  • Number and Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction



The Butterfly Lion-Michael Murpurgo



Animals Including Humans



North and South America


The above links are to listen to audio stories online. They have a vast selection of stories which can be accessed by clicking the genres tabs at the top of the page. Have fun listening!

Our class novel is ... 

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell

Spelling - we will hand out spelling homework each Friday for a test the following Friday – please help your children practise their spellings at home. Work will also be set each week on Spelling Shed to complete.

Maths – each week your child will be set some work on Times Tables Rock Stars to improve their multiplication facts. They will also be given a worksheet as homework when necessary. Please ensure your child completes their homework to assist them in their learning.

At the end of Year 4, the children will take part in their statutory multiplication check. It is vital that they are completing learning on TTRS for 5-15 minutes per day.


 Reading – regular reading at home is a key component to learning. Children will be sent home with home reader books which we expect to be returned regularly. Please ensure that you read them with your child and sign their record and comment on how they did!


If your child cannot remember their login details for TTRS or Spelling Shed, please speak to myself or Mrs Wingfield.


Contact email: e.evans@forestdale.bham.sch.uk

a.carey@forestdale.bham.sch.uk (After October half-term)


PE days for Year 4 

PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please ensure long hair is tied back and any jewellery removed. 

PE Kit = black pumps, white T-shirt or school T-shirt and black shorts. 


Remember earrings cannot be worn for PE and must be taped if unable to remove BEFORE school.


Look what we have been up to so far this year...



Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark