
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....


Welcome to Forestdale Primary School 



I strongly believe that Forestdale is the heart of the community in which I serve.  As Headteacher, I feel really privileged to be part of the  Forestdale Primary School team which is making a real difference to our community.  We have made great progress as a school, as can be seen from our GOOD Ofsted grade.


Our fully inclusive school is built on our school values and ethos where we believe all children should be given the same opportunities regardless of background, gender, need, culture or religion.  Our focus is on promoting positive behaviour and an enjoyable school experience preparing children for the next step in life's journey. We have a strong, caring team of staff who all work hard to deliver this and give all the children the opportunities they deserve.


The safety of our children and staff are paramount and we work hard to ensure that we all have a safe place to learn and work.


Positive partnerships with our parents and community are imperative for our children's success.  We need parents to read with our children daily and work with school to discuss and barriers that might impede their progress.  Reading is the key to unlocking children's potential and we will do everything we can to make sure this happens for every child.


We believe in each other and we believe in the children, we also believe we can all aspire to reach our true potential.  All children have skills, talents, strengths in which they can excel at; we at Forestdale encourage children to unlock these and give the children an exciting learning experience which will help them become confident, successful citizens. 


We work closely with the Mental Health Support Team, Forward Thinking Birmingham and Pathfinders.  Indeed we have been part of pilots to support out families - chosen because of our strong pastoral support.


Come and visit us in our exciting school, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss anything on our website and show you our wonderful school where the values of mutual trust, respect and a passion for learning is everywhere.


If you need to speak to our PASTORAL MANAGER contact Mrs Halpin or our SENDCO contact Mrs Hill - both via the front office.



Mr. Foster


Our School Prospectus

Our School Vision and Values

We will provide a paper copy of any information on this website, free of charge, upon request, please click here to contact the school office.


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark