
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....




Last week we started digraphs!

sh   ch   th   ng

This week we are moving onto digraphs:

ai   ee   igh   oa


Use the flashcards you have made to recall and recognise the sounds we have already learnt and to support you in learning to recognise the new ones.


If your child knows all of phase 2 confidently you don’t need to practise this as much as you would with the new sounds.

New sounds should be practised daily!

(anything you have taught from home so far – phase 3 sounds)


Use these videos to support your learning from last week if you need some more help to remember the new phonemes.

Twinkl Early Learn Phonics:

ch - https://video.link/w/P79Hb

sh - https://video.link/w/Z79Hb

th - https://video.link/w/e79Hb

ng – https://video.link/w/679Hb

recap - https://video.link/w/n79Hb



Please watch the videos below to explore the new sounds this week!

English Hub Phonics:

ai - https://video.link/w/489Hb

ee - https://video.link/w/uEvIb

igh – https://video.link/w/HEvIb

oa – https://video.link/w/NMQJb

recap - https://video.link/w/HNQJb


Use phonics play to support your learning:


Log in: jan21 Password: home

You need to select phase 3 games and the sound that you are learning that day!

Some phase 3 games might have “sets” when choosing the sounds to practise, if so pick set 6-7 as these will cover what your child has already learnt! Anything else will require a lot of support from you to play.


Also, log in to Tapestry daily for challenges and phonics activities!


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark