
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....


Please watch the following videos to support your child with their maths.

Spr1.8.1 - Compare lengths activity

Lesson 1

Spr1.8.2 - Compare heights activity

Lesson 2

Spr1.8.3 - Compare lengths and heights

Lesson 3

Spr1.8.4 - Measure length activity

Lesson 4

Spr1.8.5 - Measure length

Lesson 5

Spr1.8.5 - Measure length

Lesson 6

Spr1.9.1 - Introducing the ruler

Lesson 7

Spr1.9.2 - Measure length

Lesson 8

Spr1.10.1 - Introduce weight and mass activity

Lesson 9

Spr1.10.2 - Introduce weight and mass

Lesson 10

Spr1.10.3 - Measure mass

Lesson 11

Spr1.10.4 - Compare mass

Lesson 12

Spr1.10.5 - Mass problems

Lesson 13

Spr1.11.1 - Introducing capacity and volume activity

Lesson 14

Spr1.11.3 - Measure capacity

Lesson 15


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark