
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Be on time..... gates open at 8:40 and close at 8:50 - learning starts at 8.40am in class.....


Little Red Riding Hood


Watch the video of the story being told (below).

Whilst you are reading or watching the story, have a go at joining in with it – “what big ears you have Grandma!”


When you have watched the story:

Can you remember all of the characters?

Have a go at drawing the characters that you can remember.

You can use the letters and sounds you know to help you write simple labels on your pictures.


You can upload them to Tapestry to show Miss Jenkins, Miss Baker and Mrs Sanders!


Labels you might like to write:







Can you write a list of shopping that you think that Grandma would like? You can use the letters and sounds that you know to help you, you could even draw pictures of the food.



You could have a go at making a red cape and packing a basket to role play the story with your siblings or grownups.

Some things to think about when you are acting out the story:

Who will play each character?

What do the characters say?

What happens next?

How does the story end?


Have a go at making a mask! 

Draw a face shape, and then cut out the eyes.

What might you need to make the wolf's fur?

What material and colour is Red's Hood?

How might you make Grandma's Glasses?


When you have completed your learning activities, upload to tapestry to show your teachers! We're excited to see them. 



Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark