Forestdale Primary School
Believe - Aspire - Excel
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3.
Meet the Year 3 Team
Teaching Assistant ~ Mrs Evans
Class Timetable
PE days for Year 3
As part of the National Curriculum you child will have 2 sessions of PE per week.
PE will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday
Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day.
PE Kit = black pumps, white T-shirt or school T-shirt and black shorts.
If your child is not wearing the correct PE kit they will be borrowed a kit from school.
Remember earrings cannot be worn for PE and must be taped if unable to be removed BEFORE school
Reading Books
Please ensure that your child brings their reading book to school everyday.
Regular reading at home is a key component to learning. Children will be given a reading book to take home at the start of the half term. When they read with an adult, they are expected to record this in their reading journal.
We recommend as a school that children read for a minimum of 4 times a week with an adult for 15 minutes.
Please ensure you comment and sign reading record. If your child is struggling with their book or they are not enjoy it after attempts at reading it then let us know.
Homework is set weekly online If you require a paper copy please let a member of the Year 3 Team know.
Homework is to be completed by Tuesday each week and new homework will be issued on a Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child's homework is completed and returned - any homework not returned will need to be completed in Homework Club during Tuesday lunch time or Reward time on Fridays.
Spelling test is every Tuesday - children should aim for at least 7 out of 10 for their Spelling shed spellings and aim to learn their additional 5 spellings that have been identified as common errors.
If they score below this they will resit their test on Friday.
Homework is expected to be completed in every week.
As your spelling and maths homework is online this will be monitored by your class teacher.
If you are unable to complete the online work a print out can be requested.
Spelling - we will hand out spelling homework each Wednesday for a test the following Tuesday – please help your children practise their spellings at home. They will also need to complete their spelling homework set on Spelling Shed -Your child's login details can be found in their reading record.
Maths – each week your child will be set some work on TTRS to complete.
Reading – children will be sent home with home reader books. Please ensure that you read them with your child and sign their record!
If you are unable to complete the online homework please complete the paper booklet.
End of Year Expectations for Year 3 as set out in the National Curriculum
Our class novel this half term is
Stig of the dump by Clive King
Barney is a solitary eight-year-old, given to wandering off by himself. One day he is lying on the edge of disused chalk-pit when he tumbles over, lands in a sort of cave, and meets' somebody with a lot of shaggy hair and two bright black eyes' - wearing a rabbit-skin and speaking in grunts. He names him Stig. They learn to understand one another, and together they raid the rubbish dump at the bottom of the pit, improve Stig's cave dwelling, and enjoy a series of adventures that are sometimes wildly improbably and sometimes extremely practical.
Resources to use to help with your child's learning
To help practise times tables and division facts at home click the links below
Awards we have received so far.