Forestdale Primary School
Believe - Aspire - Excel
Half Term 5 work
If you are self isolating, please work your way through this Talk for Writing booklet.
The Quangle wangle's hat
There are also lots of links on our class home learning page to help practise grammar and spellings.
For maths - check your Sumdog account.
* Practise your 2, 10 and 5 times tables including division facts.
* Practice number bonds to 100.
2 + 12 = 24
90 + 7 = 97
35 + 5 = 40
* Practice telling the time.
O'clock (long hand at 12)
Half past (long hand at 6)
Quarter past (long hand at 3)
Quarter to (long hand at 9)
* Explore your home can you find any labels with measurements on.
grams (g)
kilograms (kg)
metres (m)
centimetres (cm)
litres (l)
millilitres (ml)
Compare similar units. Which is lightest? Which longest ? etc
There are also lots of links on our class home learning page to help you practise key year 2 maths skills.
Good Luck, we look forward to seeing your work.
Mrs Hill, Mrs Weaving and Miss Needham
Awards we have received so far.