
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Be on time ten to nine! Happy 21st Birthday to Forestdale!


Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Governing Body Information

Register of Governors

Next dates of our Governing Body Meetings:


26th September - Full Governing Body Meeting

23rd October - Pay Committee

27th November Finance

15th January Quality of Education

26th February Finance

26th March Budget Setting / Key Performance Data

30th April Quality of Education

4th June School Priorities and Development plan

16th July SATS results, Quality of Education Review

Mr. Ridge - Co-Chair of Governors

Special Responsibility for SEND, Mental Health, Safer Recruitment

You can contact Mr Ridge via the school office.

My name is Adrian Ridge and I am the Chair of Governors at Forestdale Primary School. I lead a committed and hard working team of governors who are intent on placing the school at the centre of its community, working with parents to support pupils to maximise their learning potential and to become good citizens who can confidently look forward to a successful and exciting future.


I have been a governor at the school for many years, and Chair of Governors since Christmas 2016. I am a retired former deputy head teacher of a local secondary school, with over 34 years’ teaching experience.


I am married with three grown up children. I am a Stoke City season ticket holder and an avid walker.


I look forward to meeting you as parents at school events and parents’ evenings to discuss your child’s progress and to celebrate their successes.

Miss Chris Lea Co-Chair

Special Responsibility for Curriculum, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium 


My name is Chris Lea and I am delighted to be the Vice-Chair of the Forestdale Governors. I am a retired teacher with nearly 30 years’ experience working with children throughout the primary age range. I have a keen interest in education and regularly volunteer at school.

I enjoy being in the outdoors and am an enthusiastic gardener. In my spare time I enjoy walks with my dog and a variety of sporting activities.

Liz Morgan - Vice Chair

Parent Governor - Special Responsibility for Health and Safety Science

My name is Liz Morgan and I am a Parent Governor at Forestdale. I am a former secondary science teacher, specialising in chemistry. I now work in the water industry as a commissioning engineer. I am married and have three children, two of which are in years 3 and 6. 

Claudine Brown - Parent Governor

Parent Governor - Special Responsibility for Phonics and Reading

Hi, I’m Claudine Brown, Parent governor, married to my bestie and a blessed mum of two. I come to the role with a pic ’n’ mix of experience, having qualified initially as a lawyer and then career changing into education after 6 years of practice. I’ve subsequently worked in the further education (post-16) sector for the last 10 years, teaching English and assuming various leadership roles focusing on Quality and Curriculum. I am currently a Curriculum Manager for English and Maths in a national college, and committed to helping young people achieve in these key subjects after they have failed to do so at school. 


In my spare time, I’m an avid musician, playing the keyboards and drums. I also direct a gospel choir, and I’m a minister in my local church. National lockdowns have brought me a love for gardening and I have a particular interest in jungle plants that can survive our gorgeous UK winters! As a mum of a Forestdale child, I’m invested in this school and I’m enjoying working with leadership to secure good outcomes for all our children.


Pastor Stephen Merrick - Safeguarding


Co-opted Governor

Our parents, staff, governors and children all helped to come up with our value words which are now embedded in our school.  



At Forestdale Primary we believe in a focus on good behaviour through our set of value which underpin our ethos, vision for the school as well as our Curriculum.  All staff will use these values to promote good behaviour to allow our children to learn in a fun, safe and calm environment. 


These words were chosen following consultation with children, parents, teachers and governors and, with the support of all these key stakeholders, will become embedded in the school.




If you wish to contact any of the Governors please do so via School either in writing or by leaving a telephone message.












Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark