
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....


Reading Books


Regular reading at home is a key component to learning. Your child is expected to read 4x per week for a minimum of 15 minutes for each session.


Your child will be given 2 reading practice books matched to their reading level. Your child/ren will be able to read these independently to yourselves and without any significant help.


They will also bring home 2 sharing books. Sharing books are to promote reading for pleasure and to help foster a love of reading. Parents/guardians will be expected to read the sharing books to your child/ren. 


 Children will be given a reading record to take home at the start of the half term. When they read with an adult, they are expected to record this in their reading journal. 


Please ensure you comment and sign reading record books. If their reading record is not signed their books will not be changed. 


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark