
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Children are back in school on Tuesday 3rd September....



Can you spare a few hours a week to become a reading helper at our school?

Coram Beanstalk is looking for new volunteers to become Beanstalk reading helpers at Forestdale Primary School!

We are looking for reading helpers to work one to one with children, helping them to become readers. 

If you can commit to an afternoon a week and would like to join us please register below. 

 For more information or if you wish to apply, visit the website at www.corambeanstalk.org.uk/register-now or call 0207 729 4087.

Reading at Forestdale

At Forestdale, we strongly believe that reading is the most important subject for any child to master. Simply because without it your children will struggle to access the wider curriculum and the world beyond school!


Our aim is for every child to leave Forestdale being able to read fluently, with understanding but also with a passion for reading.  You can help by reading to your child every day for ten minutes, or listening to your child every day....or even better both!   Teachers read to your child daily, and the more they hear the better their reading will become!

Reading Rivers


Around school are reading rivers which show books that staff and children are reading - to give inspiration for others to try a different book or author.

Class reading areas


Each class has a reading area where children can find a host of books appropriate for their age.  Ask your child if they can spot their class below!

Tea Party Reward for our readers


Every half term the children who have read every week at home are invited to a tea party hosted by Mr Foster and Mrs Hill.  All of the children are given a small gift and some, those who have read the most, are given the gift of a book.  Our aim is to have a whole school tea party....we need your help to accomplish that!

What do the children at Forestdale think about reading?


"I like reading because it can take you into a different world. Reading fiction books helps you with your   imagination". Year 6 Pupil


"Jacqueline Wilson is my favourite author because she has good illustrations." Year 5 Pupil.


" Reading is important because when you read you learn new words and vocabulary and it makes you a better reader".  Year 4 Pupil


"Mrs Ashe reads to us at the end of the day. I can't wait till it's story time We are reading Stig in the Dump at the moment". Year 3 Pupil


"I like reading in my head at school but when I’m at home I like to read out loud to my siblings". Year 5 Pupil.


" Jeff Kenney is my favourite author" Year 6 Pupil 


"I like it when my sister reads to me at home". Year 2 Pupil 


"Liz Pichon is my favourite author." Year 3 Pupil 


"I like to choose books for reading for pleasure, it's different to class reading because I can choose books I like." Year 5 Pupil 


"I have a library card and we go there every months and take a few books". Year 3 Pupil.


"Reading is important because if you don't read non-fiction books you will never learn new information." Year 3 Pupil 

Family Reads in our Library


From September, we are inviting parents to read with their children from 3pm in the school library where they can choose a book for you to read together.  Each half term there will be a class on a Tuesday and a Thursday.


This half term:  Tuesday Year 1   Thursday Year 5


Why not join your child for a read?

The Marcus Rashford Book Club


The Children in Key Stage 2 have benefitted from free books from The Marcus Rashford Book Club, through Magic Breakfast. Each class in turn has taken a copy of one of his recommended books home to keep. 

Top books for each year group


Below gives you some inspiration for finding books that your children will enjoy... 

Author Visits

At Forestdale we do try and get authors to visit or virtually visit our school to inspire the children.


On October 3rd we are excited to host our first author of the school year. Alex Foulkes has written her debut Middle Grade Rules for Vampires which was published in 2021, and the follow-up will be released in September 2022. Your child will have the opportunity to buy personally signed and dedicated copies of her new book Rules For Vampires: Ghosts Bite Back for a reduced price of £5.91.

Library Visits


We are visiting Frankley Library with the children in KS2 in October as part of National Library Week.  Why not join the library?  Click on the link below to find out more!

Teaching of phonics and reading in school


Click on the links below to find out more on the teaching of reading in school


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark