
Forestdale Primary School

Believe - Aspire - Excel


Please be on time - Ten To Nine! Learning starts at 8:40am....

Important Information - children starting back in September

We hope you have all had a great summer and we look forward to having the children back.  Please read the important information below:


  • Children are back on Monday 6th September
  • Gates will open at 8:40 and children will come in and go straight to class.  Gates close at 8:50 any child arriving after this time will be marked as late.
  • Foundation come to the front entrance where they will also be picked up from at 3.10pm
  • All KS1 and KS2 children will be picked up at 3:15pm
  • TUCK - Children will now buy their tuck daily
  • BUBBLES - Following the latest guidelines children will be mixing during lunch and play times
  • COVID - If your child has a persistent cough, temperature or loss of smell/taste they will need to stay at home and get tested immediately.  Upon a negative test (and normal temperature) children then can come back to school.  Tests are usually turned around within 48 hours.  If someone in the household tests positive, children no longer have to self isolate and if they are symptom free they can come to school.
  • PE - We will continue to ask children to come to school in PE Kits on PE days - there will be no PE on the first day - SCHOOL UNIFORM ONLY PLEASE.
  • UNIFORM - Children should be in school uniform burgundy jumper  / plain white polo shirt/ dark trousers or skirt/summer dress black shoes or black trainers.  NO BOOTS.  Encourage the children to dress independently and tie their shoelaces.  If they cannot tie their shoelaces please send them in with Velcro shoes.  If spare clothes are borrowed from school please return them washed as soon as possible.  We welcome donations of old school uniform and are very grateful for it.  School uniform can be purchased from the school office or from most supermarkets.
  • EARRINGS - These will need to be removed for PE days (or by the child) if unable to remove them they must taped BEFORE school.  Only studs allowed in school for health and safety reasons.

If you have any questions I will be on the back gate before and after school.


Mr Foster 

Acting Head Teacher


Awards we have received so far.

  • Primary Science
  • Healthy Schools
  • Health for Life
  • Artsmark Award
  • EEF
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Music Mark